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After Care

It is recommended to follow the following aftercare advice to ensure you gain the maximum benefit, aid recovery and support during your healing process.

Everything we do in our daily lives affects our bodies. That’s why it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle: keep hydrated, breath fresh air, eat a healthy balanced diet, take regular breaks from work to avoid prolonged standing and sitting, get good sleep, exercise regularly and take time to enjoy a hobby or interest.

How to prolong treatment benefits?

The most important thing is to drink plenty of water. Drinking water helps with muscle rehydration and to flush out the toxins which cause soreness and fatigue. Our mobility, integrity and resilience are determined in part by how we hydrate our fascia (before and after the treatment).

Avoid the following:

Heavy spicy meals so that the body can use its energy for the healing process rather than digesting food and concentrate on detoxification (before and after the treatment)

Stimulants like coffee, tea, alcohol, and drugs as they dehydrate the body, increasing the levels of toxins within the body and therefore will not help you to relax (before and after the treatment)

Strenuous exercise after massage, especially in the evening, releases the stress hormones in the body and leads your body to stay alert, stopping the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and disturbing your natural sleep cycle

Other holistic treatments for 24 hours to enable your body to rebalance, recover and feel and recognise the massage’s effect on you (before and after the treatment)

After massage avoid places full of people, you might be sensitive and get irritated

After massage avoid watching tv, computer, and the phone as much as you can and maybe read, listen music or paint, anything that calms and relaxes you and prolongs the sense of wellbeing

Avoid sunbathing, sunbeds, saunas and steam rooms before the massage and for the next 12 hours after massage

Elastics and artificial fabrics. Dress in flowing, loose clothing before and after your session to allow blood and lymph circulation in the body (before and after the treatment)

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Do the following:

Take a hot bath with salt and essential oils to relax the muscles and let mental tensions wash away (after the treatment).

Allow time to rest and relax after treatment in order to assist the healing process allowing the tissues to rehydrate (before and after the treatment).

If oil has been used in the treatment, leave it in for a couple of hours if to nourish skin and hair. The essential oils used need to penetrate the skin in order to be absorbed into the system and continue to work after the treatment.

Use hot or cold compresses (depending on what works better for you) on sore areas can help to reduce inflammation (before and after the treatment).

As part of your ongoing aftercare – be aware of your body, watch your posture and correct yourself anytime you remember to do it (before and after the treatment).

Stretching also is important to maintain and increase flexibility which is crucial for your overall health and can delay the reduced mobility that can come with aging. Stretching on a regular basis can help increase your range of motion giving you more freedom of movement (before and after the treatment).

Light movement is also good to help the blood flow to and from the muscles (before and after the treatment).

Get Enough Movement - The human body is made up of 360 joints and over 700 muscles and our vascular and nervous system depend on movement to function. Your body is designed to move and works best when it’s active. Movement is essential. Without it the body would deteriorate causing diseases.

Use any technique that enhance relaxation : yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, meditation, breath work (before and after the treatment).

Create a relaxing atmosphere in your place, diffuse essential oils, burn incense, place crystals around the house and use different colours of light that uplift your mood, nurture yourself, let go negative feelings, allow your healing process to complete (before and after the treatment and anytime you need).

Be kind with yourself

Self-massage by self-checking for tender areas. Start with trying to be aware of what muscles are tense and palpate When you find a sore spot, make circles with your fingers, after press and breathe deeply focusing on that spot, letting go of the tension and relax. Repeat anytime you need and make friends with your body (anytime you need).

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Massage is a wonderful, non-invasive procedure that feels great and has a positive effect on your overall wellbeing. To maintain the benefits , long term results, and improve a chronic state it is advised to receive regular treatments. Once a week for 4-6 weeks to initiate the healing process then once a month to maintain the benefits. Although this will vary from client to client.

 This information is offered to help and support. It is not intended to be compulsory, comprehensive or replace medical advice.

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